Red, White & Blue Popsicle Garland

Red, White & Blue Popsicle Garland


Say hello to the cutest little garland ever. I may just keep this guy up year-round. It may look like it's complicated, but I promise it's so simple. If you buy some white craft rolls from Amazon, all you have to do is wrap painters tape around the middle and paint the top red and the bottom blue - no need to paint the white! The video below shows how easy peasy it is!

I can see this hanging from a mantle, on a wall, on a cute table full of delicious food, or even as a backdrop to take some cutie 4th of July pics!



  • white toilet paper rolls (you can get these on amazon!) - I used about 14 rolls
  • Red paint
  • Blue paint
  • Painters tape
  • Jumbo craft popsicle sticks
  • String
  • Hot glue gun


  1. Wrap painters tape around the middle of each toilet paper rolls.
  2. Use the red paint to paint the top of the toilet paper roll and then the blue paint to paint the bottom of the roll. Let dry, then carefully take the tap off.
  3. Using your hot glue gun, put hot glue around the top edge of the popsicle stick (you can use the video below to reference this). Slide the popsicle stick into the roll and secure to the back wall of the toilet paper roll.
  4. I chose to leave some of the popsicles single and make some a double. I did about 4 doubles. To do this, simply run a bead of hot glue down the side of one popsicle and stick the other one to it. 
  5. To poke holes for the string, I chose to use a tiny screwdriver. This made the hole big enough for the string but not so big that the popsicles slid down the string into one big clump - they stayed put pretty nicely. Use your screwdriver or whatever object you choose, to poke holes at the top on either side of the popsicles and then string the string through. 
  6. Hang wherever you please, and voila! Cutie little garland! 

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